Thursday 17 September 2015

Shot types:
Extreme long shot: usually used as an establishing shot.
Long shot: A shot that depicts an entire character or object from head to foot. Not as long as an establishing shot.Medium shot: A shot of an individual from the waist up.
Insert shot: when objects fill the frame. Can be used to break continuity.
Birds eye view, high angle (h/a), low angle (l/a), Dutch tilt/oblique angle, POV shot, eye level.
Pan (camera moves horizontally), tilt (camera points up or down), tracking (camera moves on a wheeled truck), crane (camera moves up or down through a space), zoom (different from a dolly as it uses just the lens)
Transitions/edits: Cut (instant transition), fade outs (screen gradually goes dark), fade in (screen becomes lighter), dissolves (shot A is superimposed over shot B), wipe (a moving boundary line crosses the screen)
Kuleshov effect: 
The Kuleshov Effect is a film editing (montage) effect demonstrated by Soviet filmmaker Lev Kuleshov in the 1910s and 1920s. It is a mental phenomenon by which viewers derive more meaning from the interaction of two sequential shots than from a single shot in isolation.

The sequence when the two main characters discuss what they are going to do later in the evening is interesting because it is overlayed with the future events, as opposed to them just explaining what they are going to do. The male character's scene is presented in a comic strip, which links to his character as he is a comic book artist.
As well as this, when they toss a coin to decide where to go, the audience do not see the result, but instead, it cuts straight to the bar, meaning the audience have to figure out, or assume, the coin landed on a certain side. The bluntness of this transition adds to the humour, as well as making the scene more engaging.
Another thing that is particularly intriguing about this specific episode is that it is told in a non-linear fashion, as it starts with one of the ending scenes. This immediately draws the audience in, and keeps them watching until it comes full circle. Also, in the scene where the two central characters are fighting off a group of chavs with their hands as guns, non-diegetic gun sounds have been added.

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